1.1.2 List of persons who participated in the processClick Here
1.1.2 Meeting notice and minutes of the meeting for inhouse curriculum planningClick Here
1.1.2 the programme of action for in- house curriculum planned and adoptedClick Here
 Click Here
1.1.3 Prospectus Orientation ProgrammeClick Here
1.1.3 Report and photographs with caption and date of student induction programmesClick Here
1.1.3 Report and photographs with caption and date of teach orientation programmesClick Here
1.2.1 BEd Syllabus with Circular wef 2019-20Click Here
1.2.2 BrouchersClick Here
1.2.2 Course Content along with CLOs of Value added courses.Click Here
1.2.3 2018 – 19 CertificatesClick Here
1.2.3 2019 – 20 CertificatesClick Here
1.2.3 2020 – 21 CertificatesClick Here
1.2.3 2021 – 22 CertificatesClick Here
1.2.3 2022 – 23 CertificatesClick Here
1.2.5 Certificate for Self Study CourseClick Here
1.2.4 Academic Advice and GuidanceClick Here
1.2.4 Library DetailsClick Here
1.2.5 List of Participants Enrolled and Completed in Self Study CourseClick Here
1.4.1 Filled Stake Holder FeedbackClick Here
1.4.2 Action Taken ReportClick Here
1.4.2 stake holder feedback analysis reportClick Here
 Click Here
2.1.1 Approval letter from NCTEClick Here
2.1.1 Approved admission List Year WiseClick Here
2.1.1 Sanction of Intake from UniversityClick Here
2.1.2 Admissions List of SC ST OBC Extracted from Final AdmissionsClick Here
2.1.2 Final admission List Year WiseClick Here
2.1.2 Reservation Policy of B.EdClick Here
2.1.3 EWS CertificatesClick Here
2.2.2 Photo Proofs for activitiesClick Here
2.2.3 Photo Proofs for activitiesClick Here
2.2.4 Mentor Mentee ActivityClick Here
2.2.4 Mentor Mentee DetailsClick Here
2.3.3 Landing Page of LMSClick Here
2.3.6 Reports of activities conducted related to recent developments in educationClick Here
2.4.1 developing competencies and skills in different functional areasClick Here
2.4.1 Photo EvidencesClick Here
2.4.10 Internship School wise DetailsClick Here
2.4.10 School-wise student engagement activities ReportsClick Here
2.4.12 Assessment criteria adopted by each of the personsClick Here
2.4.12 observation formatsClick Here
2.4.13 Five Filled FormatsClick Here
2.4.13 Format for criteria and weightages for interns’ performance appraisal usedClick Here
2.4.2 activities as preparatoryClick Here
2.4.2 photos of activitiesClick Here
2.4.3 Competency of effective communication activitiesClick Here
2.4.4 tools of assessment for learningClick Here
2.4.5 Adequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICTClick Here
2.4.5 Sample evidence showing the tasksClick Here
2.4.6 develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community related eventsClick Here
2.4.6 Reports and Photos of eventsClick Here
2.4.7 variety of assignmentsClick Here
2.4.9 Internship programme DetailsClick Here
2.5.1 Sanction OrderClick Here
2.5.3 appoinment orderClick Here
2.6.2 improvement bi-lingual answeringClick Here
2.6.2 Remidial SupportClick Here
2.6.2 university regulation on internal evluation for teacher educationClick Here
2.7.2 Declaration of Result Analysis Click Here
2.7.2 Result AnalysisClick Here
2.7.4 internal assessment marksClick Here
 Click Here
3.1.3 Audit ReportClick Here
3.1.3 In house support for TeachersClick Here
3.1.3 policy DocumentClick Here
3.1.3 Sanction lettersClick Here
3.1.4 Building a Culture of Creativity and Knowledge TransferClick Here
3.1.4 Documentary evidences in support of the claimsClick Here
3.3.1 Event ReportsClick Here
3.3.2 Event ReportsClick Here
3.3.3 Event ReportsClick Here
3.4.1 List of ParticipantsClick Here
3.4.2 Copies of the MoU’s with institution industry corporate house .Click Here
3.4.3 Report of each activitiesClick Here
4.1.2 ICT Class Room PhotosClick Here
4.1.3 Audit ReportClick Here
4.2.3 e-journalsClick Here
4.2.3 e-shodh sindhuClick Here
4.2.4 Audit ReportClick Here
4.2.5 Details of VisitsClick Here
4.2.6 Efforts are made to make availableClick Here
4.3.2 Stock RegistersClick Here
4.3.3 mergeClick Here
4.3.3 Related to WifiClick Here
4.3.4 Bills of EquipmentClick Here
4.4.1 Audit ReportClick Here
5.1.1 Photo Proofs for activitiesClick Here
5.1.1 Report on capability building and skill enhancementClick Here
5.1.1 Sample Feedback FormClick Here
5.1.2 Geo-tagged photographs for hostel.Click Here
5.1.3 Composition of the grievance redressal, sexual harassment and raggingClick Here
5.1.3 guidelines for students’ grievance redressalClick Here
5.1.3 Samples of grievance submitted offlineClick Here
5.1.4 Audit ReportClick Here
5.1.4 Placement Cell ReportsClick Here
5.2.1 Placement Cell ReportsClick Here
5.3.2 2018-19 Event ReportClick Here
5.3.2 2019-20 Event ReportClick Here
5.3.2 2020-21 Event ReportClick Here
5.3.2 2021-22 Event ReportClick Here
5.3.2 2022-23 Event ReportClick Here
5.3.2. 2018-19 circularsClick Here
5.3.2. 2019-20 circularsClick Here
5.3.2. 2020-21 circularsClick Here
5.3.2. 2021-22 circularsClick Here
5.3.2. 2022-23 circularsClick Here
5.4.2 Audit ReportClick Here
5.4.2 Documentary evidence for the selected claimClick Here
5.4.2 Report of alumni participation for completed AYClick Here
5.4.3 meetings of Alumni AssociationClick Here
 Click Here
6.2.3 Annual e-governance reportClick Here
6.2.3 Implementation of e-governanceClick Here
6.3.2 Audit ReportClick Here
6.3.2 Certificate of participation for the claimClick Here
6.3.2 ecopy of Financial AssistanceClick Here
6.3.2 Policy Document for Financial SupportClick Here
6.3.3 BrouchersClick Here
6.3.3 List of ParticipantsClick Here
6.3.4 Course Completion Certificate-2018-19Click Here
6.3.4 Course Completion Certificate-2019-20Click Here
6.3.4 Course Completion Certificate-2020-21Click Here
6.3.4 Course Completion Certificate-2021-22Click Here
6.3.4 Course Completion Certificate-2022-23Click Here
6.5.3 List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQACClick Here
6.5.3 Report of the work done by IQACClick Here
6.5.4 AAAClick Here
6.5.4 certificates and accredationsClick Here
6.5.4 minutes of the meeting of IQAC 2018-19Click Here
6.5.4 minutes of the meeting of IQAC 2019-20Click Here
6.5.4 minutes of the meeting of IQAC 2020-21Click Here
6.5.4 minutes of the meeting of IQAC 2021-22Click Here
6.5.4 minutes of the meeting of IQAC 2022-23Click Here
6.5.4 stake holder feedback analysis reportClick Here
7.1.3 Audit ReportClick Here
7.1.3 Documentary evidence in support of each selected responseClick Here
7.1.3 Geo tag PhotosClick Here
7.1.4 Audit ReportClick Here
7.1.4 Documentary evidance of the support of claimClick Here
7.1.4 Geo-tagged photographsClick Here
7.1.6 Audit ReportClick Here
7.1.6 circulars and policy DocumentsClick Here
7.1.6 photographs related to Green Practices adopted by the institutionClick Here
7.1.6 Snap shots paperless officeClick Here
7.1.7 Audit ReportClick Here
7.1.9 Code of Conduct for Administration StaffClick Here
7.1.9 Code of Conduct for StudentsClick Here
7.1.9 Code of Conduct for TeachersClick Here
7.1.9 Details of Monitoring CommitteeClick Here
7.1.9 Professional ethics programmesClick Here
7.1.9 Reports of the periodic programmes the Code of ConductClick Here
1.1.2 the programme of action for in- house curriculum planned and adoptedClick Here
2.1.2 Admissions List of SC ST OBC Extracted from Final AdmissionsClick Here
2.4.3 Competency of effective communication activitiesClick Here
2.4.4 Samples prepared by students for each indicated assessment toolClick Here
2.4.4 tools of assessment for learningClick Here
3.1.3 In house support for TeachersClick Here
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